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Surf the internet from work anonymously

It’s a shame that you spend hours upon hours sitting at a computer and are not be able to use that computer time safely or securely during your working hours. The truth of the matter is, your company’s network manages and records your activity online. This means any time spent away from the work in front of you is not only recorded, it can be pulled back up in detail, often to your disadvantage. After all, your boss isn’t likely to be impressed with the volume of friends you have on Facebook or the state of your online bill pay.

Surfing Anonymously from Work
To surf anonymously from work you must simply avoid connecting to website through the IP address assigned to your computer by the company’s router. It is this electronic fingerprint that identifies everything you’re doing and also returns blocked sites. To free yourself from the limitations of the IP address you’ve been assigned, you must secure a different one.

Far from being overwhelmingly technical, this is simply a matter of taking advantage of website proxies. A proxy server or website is a third party that connects you with your destination without having to use your work’s network. The proxy assigns your computer a new IP address through its system and with that anonymous, and often revolving, IP address, you can search with freedom and impunity.

Finding a Safe Proxy for Work
There are countless proxies you might be able to use at work, but you aren’t the only ones aware of the capabilities of these portal websites. Indeed, the company is also working to keep the network “secure,” meaning they work to block the IP websites as often as they can. Finding a website to use from work might require a bit of extra digging.

Your best resource for using a free proxy at work is to keep our list of proxies readily available. With a current listing of proxy websites readily available and always updated, you’ll always have many respected proxy websites to use to surf anonymously from work – especially if some you’ve used in the past have been identified and blocked.

Another option is to avoid free proxy websites that can be blocked by the company is to take advantage of a paid proxy membership. These proxy servers have revolving IP addresses that are rarely if ever blocked and allow you anonymous surfing from work and home ensuring your online safety in every regard. Our reviews of paid proxies can give you additional information about selecting the best paid proxy for your needs.